Is Insect Repellent Waterproof? Everything You Need to Know

Have you ever wondered if your insect repellent is waterproof? It’s a valid question, especially if you’re planning on spending time in the great outdoors or near water. In this article, we’ll explore whether insect repellent is waterproof and what you need to know to stay protected.

First, let’s define what we mean by waterproof. 

When a product is waterproof, it means that it can resist the penetration of water. In the case of insect repellent, this means that it should remain effective even after being exposed to water.

So, is insect repellent waterproof? 

The short answer is no. Most insect repellents are not completely waterproof, but they are water-resistant. This means that they can withstand some exposure to water, but not for an extended period or in heavy rain.

The level of water resistance can vary depending on the product. Some insect repellents may only provide minimal water resistance, while others may offer more robust protection. It’s essential to read the label of your insect repellent to determine its water resistance level. Many natural insect repellants are less water resistant than DEET or other chemicals.

If you’re planning on spending a significant amount of time in the water or in heavy rain, you’ll need to take additional measures to ensure that you’re protected from insects. One option is to reapply insect repellent frequently. This is especially important if you’re sweating or if you’ve been swimming.

If you’re at a campsite or in a boat you don’t need to use topical repellants. There are some great alternatives to lotions or repellants you apply directly to your skin.

Alternatives to Insect Repellant

Another option is to wear protective clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts and pants, to reduce the amount of exposed skin. 

Additionally, you can use mosquito nets, powered repellants like the Thermacell,  or screens to keep insects away from you while you’re sleeping, relaxing outdoors, or on a boat. There are also other natural ways to repel insects and mosquitos.

These small Thermacell are particularly great when you put them under the seat of your canoe or kayak while fishing – click here.

In conclusion, while insect repellent is not completely waterproof, it is water-resistant to some degree. It’s crucial to read the label of your insect repellent to determine its level of water resistance and to take additional measures to protect yourself from insects if you’re spending time in or around water. By taking these steps, you can enjoy the great outdoors without being bothered by pesky bugs.